Weekly payout option is now available.
In default, the payout period is set to monthly. But by changing the payout period to “Weekly”, you will be able to receive the payout every Friday from next month.
Changing the payout cycle
1.Login to KOMOJU.

2.Select “Merchant Settings” from the KOMOJU management screen.

3.The”Payment schedule” section state the payout cycle your account is set to. To make changes, select “Edit”.

4.From the “Edit” screen, select “Weekly” from the “payout cycle” column and select “save”.

5.Check the “Payment schedule” section to confirm the setting is changed to “Weekly”.***The new payout cycle will apply from the following month.
***In a case your account does not have any transactions, the change will apply immediate.
***For non Japan bank account, a 2,500 JPY transfer fee will be charged per transfer.