Personal Information Protection Policy

Last updated: April 10, 2023

We (Degica Co., Ltd.) may collect your personal information in order to provide payment services, etc. We fully understand the importance of safeguarding your personal information and endeavor to handle your personal information appropriately so that you can do business with us with peace of mind. To this end, we publish our Privacy Policy here.

Article 1. Valuing Your Personal Information

We value your rights and dignity regarding personal information.

Article 2. Personal Information Protection System

In implementing this policy, we will establish an internal system with clearly defined roles and responsibilities under the supervision of a personal information protection manager appointed by our representative. In addition, we will conduct regular audits of the handling of personal information and review our internal system.

Article 3. Security Management of Personal Information

All personal information will be properly managed and necessary preventive and corrective measures will be taken to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, and compromise due to unauthorized access, theft, removal, etc. In the event that personal information is outsourced, we will enter into a confidentiality agreement and manage and supervise the outsourcing of personal information to ensure that it is properly managed.

Article 4 . Compliance with Regulations Concerning Personal Information

We will comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and other regulations concerning the protection of personal information.

Article 5. Complaints and Inquiries Concerning Personal Information

We will not use personal information that we have obtained from you for any purpose other than those described in our Privacy Policy. In light of this, when we receive an inquiry, complaint, or request for disclosure of your own personal information, we will ask you to fill out a prescribed form. Then, we will confirm your identity by identification documents and respond to the request as soon as reasonably possible in accordance with applicable law.

An administration fee of 1,000 yen (tax not included) per request will be charged for “informing the purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure” and “disclosing personal information subject to disclosure”.

<Inquiries Regarding Personal Information>
Personal Information Inquiry Contact: Degica Co., Ltd.
Personal Information Protection Manager: Koichi Okuno
Phone: 050-6861-0240 (E-mail:
Office Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays in Japan and Year-End and New Year holidays)

<Name of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization to Which We Belong and Contact for Complaint Resolution>
Name: Japan Consumer Credit Association
Address: Sumisei Nihonbashi Koamicho Building 6F, 14-1
Nihonbashi Koamicho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0016
Phone Number for Inquiries: 03-5645-3360
Address: Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Phone Number for Inquiries: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

We only accept complaints regarding the handling of personal information. For inquiries about products and services, please contact us at

Article 6. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System

We will continuously review and improve our “Personal Information Protection Management System” in response to changes in our business activities and in the legal, social, and IT environments in which we operate.

Enacted: September 2, 2013
Last Revised: March 10, 2023
Degica Co., Ltd.
Plafus Kichijoji Front 9F,
1-14-9 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0004
Representative Director, Jack Leon Momose

Privacy Policy

1. Scope

This Privacy Policy shall apply to all personal information we obtain from you via our websites, phone, email, or in writing, etc., in connection with all of our services. If provisions differing with this Privacy Policy are specified when we obtain personal information, such provisions shall apply preferentially.

2. Information We Collect

We will acquire your personal information specified below in order to achieve the purposes of “3. Use and Retention of Your Information”. We will endeavor to keep the personal information we collect to the minimum necessary.


2.1 Information Obtained from You
  • Information about you such as your name, address, phone number, company name, e-mail address, etc.
  • Login information such as your account name (user ID) and password
  • Information regarding payment methods such as credit cards, bank accounts, electronic money
  • Information for identity verification, etc. such as copies of passports and driver’s licenses
2.2 Information Obtained via Cookies

When you visit our websites, we may place a small text file called a “cookie” on your device. We may obtain the following information by linking it to a cookie. You can disable cookies by changing your browser’s settings, but this may cause some features on our websites to become unavailable.

  • IP address
  • Referring URL (address of the webpage linked from)
  • Device information (browser type and version, time zone settings, operating system, etc.)
  • Information on products and services displayed or searched


The websites we manage and operate use Google Analytics to keep track of usage. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect user information. User information is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. Information collected through the use of Google Analytics is managed in accordance with Google’s policies. Click here to learn more about how to prevent your information from being used by Google Analytics.

3. Use and Retention of Your Information

We will use your personal information obtained for the purposes set forth below. We will not use the information for any purposes other than those listed below.


Purpose of Use

Information Used

Persons in charge of businesses that are using or considering using our services

・  Application and contracting procedures for settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Contact and response to inquiries about settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Surveys, seminars, and campaign notifications related to our settlement services, other services provided by Degica, and services provided by our alliance partners

・  Quality improvement of settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Joint use of merchant information for merchant screening, investigations, etc.

Name, address, date of birth, sex, e-mail address, and identification documents (passport, driver’s license, residence card, my number card, etc.) of the person in charge or representative

Sole proprietors who are using or considering using our services.

・  Application and contracting procedures for settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Contact and response to inquiries about settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Surveys, seminars, and campaign notifications related to our settlement services, other services provided by us, and services provided by our partners

・  Quality improvement of settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Joint use of merchant information for merchant screening, investigations, etc.

Name, address, date of birth, sex, e-mail address, identification documents (passport, driver’s license, residence card, my number card, etc.)

Person in charge of our partners

・  Applications and contracting procedures for settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Contact and response to inquiries about settlement services and other services provided by Degica

Full name, e-mail address

Customers using our website

・  Contact and response to inquiries about settlement services and other services provided by Degica

・  Contact and response to general inquiries about Degica

Full name, e-mail address

Our employees

・  Human Resources management

・  Labor management

・  Payroll and social insurance payment administration

・  Travel expense payment administration

・  Prevention of unauthorized access

・  Equipment and software management

・  Employee training

Name, address, date of birth, sex, identification documents, my number

Those who wish to be employed by us

・  Contact and recruitment selection

Name, address, date of birth, sex, phone number, e-mail address, occupation

Customers who use our merchants’ services

・  Response to requests and answers from settlement institutions such as usage inquiries, fraudulent communications, chargebacks, and customer attribute inquiries regarding payment services and other services provided by Degica

・  Updates to bank account information

・  Contact and response to inquiries about settlement services and other services provided by Degica

Name, phone number


We will set a retention period of your personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the above purposes and will delete your personal information without delay after the retention period has elapsed or the purposes for which it is used have been achieved. However, this does not apply to the following cases:
  • When it is required to be retained in accordance with law
  • When there is consent from the person in question

4. Joint Use of Merchant Information

We jointly use merchant information as follows in accordance with Article 27, Paragraph 5, Item 3 of the Personal Information Protection Law.

1) Merchant Information Exchange System

The Japan Consumer Credit Association (“JCA”) is accredited by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in accordance with Article 35-18 of the Installment Sales Act. JCA collects, organizes, and provides information necessary to protect the interests of users (credit card users), etc., which is one of its accreditation duties, through the Merchant Information Exchange Center (“JDM Center”).

2) Reporting and Use of Information Collected from Merchants

Member companies of the Merchant Information Exchange System (“JDM Members”) shall collect and use the information specified in “3) b) Information for Joint Use” and report such information to the JDM Center for joint use by JDM Members for the purpose of screening merchants upon receiving a merchant agreement application, conducting merchant investigations after concluding a merchant agreement, taking measures against merchants, and conducting reviews regarding continued transactions, etc.

3) Joint Use of Merchant Information

a) Purpose of Joint Use

Regarding the Merchant Information Exchange System operated as a business of an authorized installment sales association as stipulated in the Installment Sales Act, the purpose of our reporting to JDM of and provision/joint use by JDM Members of information regarding acts by merchants that are not protective of users, etc. (including acts that are suspected to be such acts and acts for which it is difficult to determine whether or not they fall under such acts) and information regarding merchants that is necessary for the protection of users, etc., as well as information regarding activities of merchants that may interfere with the proper management of credit card numbers, etc. and the prevention of unauthorized use of credit card numbers, etc. (“Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc.”) and information on merchants necessary for the Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc. is to improve the accuracy of screening by JDM Members when entering into or during a merchant agreement, to eliminate corrupt merchants, to promote Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc. and to contribute to the sound development of credit card transactions and consumer protection.

b) Information for Joint Use

① Details and explanations for investigations necessary for the handling of complaints concerning merchants, etc. in individual credit transactions

② Details and explanations for a termination of an individual credit agreement due to an act that fails to protect users, etc. in connection with business pertaining to individual credit

③ Details and explanations for investigations necessary to ensure the Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc. by the relevant merchant, etc. under a credit card number, etc. handling agreement

④ Details and explanations for actions taken against the relevant merchant (including termination of a credit card number, etc. handling agreement) because measures taken by the relevant merchant, etc. under the credit card number, etc. handling agreement for the Appropriate Management of Credit Card Numbers, etc. do not conform or are likely to not conform to the standards prescribed in the Installment Sales Act.

⑤ Information on objective facts concerning acts that cause unjust damage to JDM Members, users, etc., pertaining to acts that fail to protect users, etc. (including acts that are suspected to fall under or for which it cannot be determined whether or not they fall under this category)

⑥ Information submitted to JDM Members by users, etc. (not limited to those who have already signed an agreement) and, of such information, information that is determined to be an act that fails to protect users, etc. (including information that is suspected to be such and information of which is difficult to determine whether such act has been committed).

⑦ Information regarding activities by merchants that interfere with the management of credit card numbers, etc.

⑧ Information collected by the JDM Center on facts and details published by administrative agencies (e.g., information published as a violation or potential violation of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, etc.)

⑨ Information related to acts that fail to protect users, etc. other than the above

⑩ The name, address, phone number, and date of birth (in the case of a corporation, the name, address, phone number, corporation number, and name and date of birth of the representative) of the relevant merchant pertaining to each of the above items. However, with respect to the information in item (6) above, which makes it difficult to determine whether or not the relevant act has been committed, the name and date of birth (in the case of a corporation, the name and date of birth of its representative) shall be excluded.

c) Period of Retention

Information in b) above will be retained for a period not exceeding five (5) years from the date of registration (in the case of (3) and (7) above, the date of registration of the completion of the measures in (4) corresponding to such information or the date of agreement termination).

4) Scope of Joint Users

Those who are both JCA members and JDM Members, such as comprehensive credit card brokers, individual credit card brokers, credit card number handling contractors, and the JDM Center.

*JDM Members are listed on JCA’s website.


5) Inquiries Regarding System and Procedures for Disclosure

For inquiries regarding the Merchant Information Exchange System and procedures for disclosure, please contact the 6) Person in Charge of Operations below.

6) Person in Charge of Operations

Japan Consumer Credit Association
Merchant Information Exchange Center (JDM Center)
Address: Sumisei Nihonbashi Koamicho Building, 14-1
Nihonbashi Koamicho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Tetsuo Matsui
Phone: 03-5643-0011

5. Third Parties

1) We will not provide personal information handled by us to third parties without obtaining your prior consent, except in the following cases:

a) When required by law. For example, when responding to inquiries related to police investigations, when responding to investigations based on a warrant issued by a court, when responding to an investigation related to income tax, etc. by a tax office, or when responding to an inquiry from a bar association.

b) When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned.

c) When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned.

d) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law and obtaining the consent of the individual concerned is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.

e) Where the third party is an academic research organization, etc., and the third party needs to handle personal information for academic research purposes (including cases where part of the purpose of handling personal information is for academic research purposes, but excluding cases where there is a risk of unjustified infringement of individual rights and interests).

2) Notwithstanding 1) above, we may provide personal information handled by us to third parties in the following cases. If we receive an inquiry, complaint, or request for disclosure of your personal information from you, we will promptly deal with it in the manner described in Article 5 of the Personal Information Protection Policy.

a) When necessary for outsourcing services (limited to provision and use within the scope necessary for the performance of outsourced services)

b) When providing statistical information after processing the information into a format that does not identify individuals or corporations

6. Your Rights

When we receive a request from you to disclose, correct, amend, delete, erase, suspend use of, or notify you of the purpose of usage of your information, we will ask you to fill out a prescribed form. Then, we will confirm your identity by identification documents, and respond to the request as soon as reasonably possible. Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), those residing in the European Economic Area (EEA) have the right to revoke consent to provide personal information, to raise objections regarding the handling of personal information, and to file complaints with the competent supervisory authorities.

7. Security

We have strict security measures in place for the personal information we obtain and retain, in compliance with the international standard ISO/IEC27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014 for Japanese industry standards), Privacy Mark, and PCI DSS certification.


These measures include implementation and periodic reviews of organizational information security management, periodic education and training for employees, periodical updates of inventory of information assets, implementation of physical security control measures (e.g., employee access control, device management), encryption of communications, strict access control, and periodic vulnerability management of information systems.

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy, in whole or in part. In the event of any revision, this shall automatically apply to you when this is posted or when we notify you of a revision.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the contents of this Privacy Policy or other aspects of how your personal information is handled, please contact us below.


Personal Information Inquiry Contact: Degica Co., Ltd.
Personal Information Protection Manager: Koichi Okuno
Phone: 050-6861-0240 (E-mail:
Office Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays in Japan and Year-End and New Year holidays)

Payment methods

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