Last updated : September 25, 2024

Why Japan Should Be Added to Your International Market as a Merchant

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We help businesses accept payments online.

Japan, the world’s fourth-largest economy, offers significant opportunities for international expansion. With eCommerce revenue projected to reach $169.40 billion by 2024 and an annual growth rate of 9.23%, Japan is a key market for businesses aiming to tap into new markets.

Ranked behind only the United States, China, and Germany in nominal GDP, Japan remains attractive to foreign investment. This is due to its large market potential and high-income consumers despite the weaker yen. In 2022, Japan was the fourth-largest trading partner of the U.S., with bilateral trade reaching $309 billion. Known for its technology and innovation, Japan is also a major investor in sectors like manufacturing. With a per capita income of approximately $35,390, Japan represents a lucrative market with substantial purchasing power.

Expanding into Japan not only provides valuable opportunities but also opens doors to broader markets across Asia.

Let’s dive in further on why you should add Japan to your international market:

Key Benefits of Entering the Japanese Market as a Merchant

As the world’s fourth-largest economy, Japan offers substantial opportunities for international businesses. Its mature market, affluent consumers, and strategic position in Asia make it an ideal destination for global expansion. Here are key reasons to consider entering the Japanese market:

Market Potential & High-Growth Industries

Japan is recognized for its advanced infrastructure, high-tech facilities, and efficient logistics, which provide a strong foundation for business. The country’s reliable regulations and strong financial system foster a stable environment for investment. Additionally, government support, including initiatives like diplomatic missions, assists foreign companies in expanding their operations.

This conducive environment is especially beneficial for eCommerce brands looking to establish a significant presence in Asia, as they can leverage Japan’s growing online consumer base.

Key Industries

Japan’s economy is diverse and evolving, with growth in several industries. These high-growth industries present lucrative opportunities for foreign investors and eCommerce merchants looking to expand globally. These sectors include:

  • eCommerce and Digital Platforms have helped the eCommerce sector thrive, especially with the shift towards online shopping, further accelerated by the pandemic. Japan also has high internet penetration and a strong digital infrastructure that supports this growth.
  • Gaming and Digital Entertainment: Japan’s gaming industry is expanding rapidly, especially in online and mobile gaming. The digital entertainment sector, which includes streaming services and content creation, is also experiencing significant growth.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Robotics lead Japan’s technological advancements, emphasizing the integration of IoT into everyday life and showcasing the country’s innovations in robotics.
  • Personal Finance and FinTech: The FinTech market is expanding swiftly, driven by demand for digital financial services. The rise of digital banking and cashless transactions highlights Japan’s transition to modern financial solutions, supported by favorable regulations.

Together, these industries create a dynamic landscape, offering diverse opportunities for businesses seeking to expand to and thrive in Japan.

High Purchasing Power and Growth in Luxury Sales

High Purchasing Power & Growth in Luxury Sales

Japan ranks fourth globally in nominal GDP and purchasing power parity (PPP), with a per capita income of $35,390.With a population of 125 million, this gives brands access to an affluent consumer base that values quality and innovation. This makes Japan a key market for premium goods and services.

Luxury sales have doubled in growth, driven by local spending and tourism from China, South Korea, and the U.S. High spenders, including business executives, entrepreneurs, and millennials, look for premium fashion, designer accessories, and unique experiences. To meet this demand, brands entering Japan should focus on exclusivity, personalization, and superior quality.

Tourism-Driven Demand

The rise in international tourism is boosting Japan’s luxury market and creating new revenue streams.

This influx of visitors not only benefits luxury brands but also presents valuable opportunities for businesses catering to the growing demand from international travelers.

For eCommerce merchants expanding into Japan, this trend offers a chance to tap into increased demand by offering online shopping as an option for both local and international consumers.

Tech-Savvy Consumer Base

Japan’s advanced infrastructure and high internet usage create significant opportunities for businesses in tech, eCommerce, and digital innovation. With 104.4 million internet users and 96 million social media users in 2024, Japan’s digital ecosystem is thriving. Known for their early adoption of new technology, Japanese consumers present a prime market for advanced tech products, fintech solutions, and innovative services.

Booming eCommerce Market

Japan’s eCommerce market is projected to reach $169.40 billion by 2024, with an annual growth rate of 9.23%. Widespread smartphone usage and high-speed internet are driving this growth, making online shopping a significant business opportunity.

To succeed, adapting to local preferences is crucial, including offering Japanese-language support, local payment methods, and personalized shopping experiences that cater to Japanese cultural nuances.

Leading Tech Innovation Hub

Japan excels in tech innovation, offering significant growth opportunities in areas such as AI, with a 28% growth rate, cloud computing, valued at ¥2.4 trillion, and cybersecurity, growing at 9.2% annually. Businesses that leverage these advanced technologies can thrive in Japan’s cutting-edge digital economy, positioning themselves at the forefront of innovation.

Government Incentives & Support

Japan offers a stable and supportive environment for foreign investment, backed by a reliable legal framework and government initiatives that include:

Financial Services Agency (FSA) Initiatives:

  • Financial Market Entry Office: Provides English-language support to businesses setting up in Japan.
  • Financial Start-Up Support Program: Offers up to ¥20 million in financial assistance for asset management and financial professionals starting businesses.
  • Tax Incentives: These include reductions in inheritance, income, and corporate taxes for foreign investments.
  • Preferential Immigration: Eases visa processes for highly skilled professionals.


Invest Japan Support Centers (IBSC):

A one-stop service for businesses, providing streamlined regulatory processes through the Invest Japan Offices.

JETRO Assistance:

Market entry support, including temporary office space, investment procedure guidance, and business matching services.

Tax Incentives and Special Zones

  • National Strategic Special Zones: Offer reduced corporate tax rates and additional financial support.
  • R&D Tax Credits: Generous credits for innovation and research projects.
  • Special Economic Zones: Provide tax benefits and deregulation advantages for foreign companies.


Grants and Subsidies

  • Start-Up Financial Assistance: Up to ¥20 million in grants for establishing financial businesses.
  • Sustainability and Innovation Grants: Support for projects focused on climate change and semiconductor production.


Sector-Specific Support

  • SME Enhancement Act: Incentives for small and medium enterprises investing in productivity and disaster prevention.
  • Climate Change Initiatives: Zero-interest funds from the Bank of Japan for climate change adaptation projects.

Japan’s commitment to fostering a stable and welcoming environment for foreign investment is clear through its financial incentives, tax breaks, and comprehensive legal support.

Intellectual Property Protection

Japan has robust intellectual property protection laws that safeguard patents, trademarks, and copyrights. This strong legal framework encourages innovation and ensures that businesses can operate with confidence, knowing their proprietary technologies and products are secure.

Japan has a robust intellectual property (IP) protection system, governed by key laws that safeguard patents, trademarks, and copyrights, providing businesses with confidence that their innovations are secure:

  • Patent Act: Protects inventions.
  • Utility Model Act: Covers smaller inventions.
  • Design Act: Safeguards product designs.
  • Trademark Act: Protects brand names and logos.
  • Copyright Act: Covers original works like books and art.
  • Unfair Competition Prevention Act: Addresses false advertising and imitation.


The Japan Patent Office (JPO) manages patents, utility models, and designs, while the Japan Copyright Office handles copyrights. Japan’s adherence to international treaties, such as the Paris and Berne Conventions, further enhances global IP protection. This strong legal framework reduces the risk of infringement, making Japan an attractive destination for foreign investment.

Favourable Business Environment

Japan’s political stability and strong legal framework make it an attractive destination for foreign investors, providing a safe environment for protecting business interests. As the third-largest economy in the world, Japan contributes about 10% of the global GDP, creating a solid foundation for long-term business planning.

The country is known for its transparency and ease of doing business, which are supported by government reforms that reduce bureaucratic obstacles. High rankings in global business indices underscore Japan’s commitment to fostering a welcoming environment for both local and international companies.

Additionally, Japan offers strict intellectual property protections, allowing businesses to innovate with confidence, knowing their ideas and products are secure. With its combination of stability, transparency, and strong legal protections, Japan presents an opportunity for companies seeking to establish or expand their presence in a reliable market.

A Strategic Hub for eCommerce in Asia

Japan’s strategic location in East Asia positions it as a prime gateway to key markets like China and South Korea. With its well-developed infrastructure and strong trade connections, Japan provides eCommerce businesses a solid foundation for regional expansion.

The country’s established logistics and technology systems make it an ideal starting point for merchants looking to penetrate other parts of Asia. While entering markets like China and South Korea can pose challenges, Japan offers essential support for efficient operations and shipping.

Gateway to Asian Markets: Japan’s position in the Asia-Pacific region allows direct access to rapidly growing Southeast Asian markets, making it a vital hub for trade and investment.

Proximity to Major Economies: Being near powerful economies like China and South Korea facilitates faster, cost-effective trade routes, enabling eCommerce merchants to optimize their supply chains.

Benefits for Export-Oriented Businesses: Japan provides significant advantages for export-focused eCommerce, including advanced infrastructure, efficient logistics, and a strong network of ports and airports, which support seamless export operations and capitalize on expanding consumer markets across Asia.

Cultural Factors That Make Japan Unique

Explore the cultural nuances and consumer behavior in Japan that businesses must consider for successful market entry.

Loyalty and Trust

In Japan, brand loyalty and trust are crucial for business success. Japanese consumers and business partners value long-term relationships with brands that consistently deliver on their promises.

To succeed in the Japanese market, companies should focus on consistently demonstrating reliability, respecting business protocols, and showing long-term commitment. These practices are key to building a reputable and trustworthy brand image, essential for achieving sustained success in Japan.

Attention to Quality and Detail

Japanese consumers place a high premium on quality, exceptional customer service, and attention to detail. This cultural emphasis on omotenashi—wholehearted hospitality—requires businesses to exceed typical service expectations. Key aspects include:

  • High Standards of Quality: Meeting Japan’s rigorous standards for product and service quality is crucial.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: Aligning with omotenashi principles, businesses should anticipate needs and provide thoughtful, attentive service.
  • Attention to Detail: Reflecting the meticulous care found in Japanese traditions, every interaction and product presentation should exhibit careful consideration and precision.


Integrating these principles helps businesses align with Japanese expectations and build stronger customer relationships, paving the way for successful market entry and sustained growth.

Trend-Adopting Population

Japan is a leader in adopting and setting global trends, offering a promising market for innovative products.

These trends highlight Japan’s openness to new ideas and advancements, making it an attractive market for businesses offering unique and cutting-edge products.

Barriers to Entry & How to Overcome Them

Language Barrier

The Japanese language, with its unique script and indirect communication style, can pose a significant challenge for foreign companies. Limited English proficiency among locals and the need for precise translation can complicate market entry. To address this:

  • Invest in Professional Translation Services: Ensure that all communications, marketing materials, and legal documents are accurately translated.
  • Hire Bilingual Staff: Employ staff who are fluent in both Japanese and your native language to bridge the communication gap.
  • Adjust Communication Strategies: Tailor your messaging to fit Japanese preferences for context and nuance, ensuring that your communication resonates with local audiences.

Cultural Differences

Japanese business culture emphasizes hierarchy, harmony, and consensus, which may differ from Western practices. Challenges include navigating social etiquette and decision-making processes. To overcome these:

  • Invest in Cultural Training: Provide your team with training to understand and adapt to Japanese business norms and etiquette.
  • Work with Local Advisors: Collaborate with local experts to navigate cultural differences and build respectful business relationships.

Regulatory Complexity

Japan’s regulatory environment can be complex, with detailed licensing requirements, industry-specific regulations, and frequent changes. To manage this:

  • Engage Local Legal Experts: Hire legal professionals familiar with Japanese regulations to ensure compliance and navigate the regulatory landscape.
  • Join Industry Associations: Participate in relevant industry groups to stay informed about regulatory updates and best practices.

High Cost of Entry

Establishing a presence in Japan, particularly in major cities like Tokyo, can be costly due to high real estate prices, localization expenses, and labor costs. To mitigate these costs:

  • Start with a Phased Entry Strategy: Begin with a smaller, more manageable entry plan and gradually expand as you establish a foothold.
  • Explore Partnerships or Joint Ventures: Collaborate with local companies to share financial burdens and leverage their market knowledge.

Intense Local Competition

The Japanese market is highly competitive and known for its high-quality domestic products and services. Foreign companies may find it challenging to stand out. To overcome this:

  • Focus on Unique Value Propositions: Identify and emphasize what makes your product or service different from local offerings.
  • Adapt to Local Needs: Tailor your products or services to meet specific Japanese market demands and standards.


By proactively addressing these barriers, businesses can better navigate the complexities of the Japanese market and improve their chances of success.

Steps to Entering the Japanese Market as an eCommerce Merchant

Conduct Market Research

Before entering the Japanese market, it’s essential to understand local consumer preferences, market trends, and the competitive landscape. With Japan’s eCommerce market projected to reach $188 billion, thorough research will help tailor your strategy to effectively tap into this significant market potential.

Localize Your Website & Marketing

To connect with Japanese consumers, adapt your eCommerce website and marketing materials to local language and cultural nuances. This includes translating content, modifying design elements, and aligning your messaging with Japanese values and expectations to enhance customer engagement.

Choose the Right Payment Gateway with KOMOJU

Select KOMOJU as your payment gateway to ensure a smooth transaction process. KOMOJU supports a variety of payment options favored by Japanese consumers, which helps streamline the checkout experience and meet local preferences.

Set Up Payment Options with KOMOJU

Integrate KOMOJU into your payment system to offer diverse payment methods, such as credit cards, convenience store payments, and bank transfers. This setup ensures you cater to the specific payment preferences of Japanese consumers.

Ensure Compliance with Japanese Regulations

Comply with Japanese legal requirements, including data protection laws and consumer rights regulations. Adhering to these regulations helps avoid legal issues and builds trust with local customers, supporting your business’s success in the e-commerce market.


Adding Japan to your international market expansion strategy offers significant long-term potential and strategic value. Japan’s dynamic and tech-savvy consumer base, with its $188 billion eCommerce market, presents substantial growth opportunities.

Japan’s business-friendly environment, supported by a stable legal framework and proactive government initiatives, facilitates smooth market entry. Additionally, Japan’s strategic location in East Asia provides a gateway to other major Asian markets, enhancing its appeal as a regional hub.

By addressing key entry barriers such as language, cultural differences, and regulatory complexity, businesses can successfully navigate the Japanese market. Leveraging local expertise, adapting your approach, and ensuring compliance will position your company for long-term success in one of the world’s most advanced and rewarding markets.


Entering the Japanese market can present challenges due to language barriers, cultural differences, and regulatory complexities. However, with thorough market research, localization, and local expertise, these obstacles can be managed effectively. Understanding Japanese consumer behavior and adapting your business approach accordingly is crucial for successful market entry.

Entering the Japanese market early provides a competitive edge by establishing your brand before competitors gain a foothold. It allows you to tap into a large and sophisticated consumer base, benefit from Japan’s advanced infrastructure, and position yourself as a leader in a lucrative market. Early entry also offers opportunities to build strong relationships with local partners and gain valuable insights into consumer trends.

Localization is essential for success in Japan’s market. Japanese consumers value products and services that align with their cultural preferences and expectations. Effective localization involves translating content accurately, adapting marketing strategies to local norms, and ensuring that products meet Japanese quality standards. By respecting and integrating local nuances, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and increase their chances of success in Japan.

This article is brought to you by KOMOJU
We help businesses accept payments online.

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